Parallel ScaLAPACK-style algorithms for solving eight common standard and generalized Sylvester-type matrix equations and various sign and transposed variants are presented. All algorithms are blocked variants based on the Bartels-Stewart method and involve four major steps: reduction to triangular form, updating the right-hand side with respect to the reduction, computing the solution to the reduced triangular problem, and transforming the solution back to the original coordinate system. Novel parallel algorithms for solving reduced triangular matrix equations based on wavefront-like traversal of the right-hand side matrices are presented together with a generic scalability analysis. These algorithms are used in condition estimation and new robust parallel sep~'-estimators are developed. Experimental results from three parallel platforms, including results from a mixed OpenMP/MPI platform, are presented and analyzed using several performance and accuracy metrics. The analysis includes results regarding general and triangular parallel solvers as well as parallel condition estimators.
ACM Reference Format:Granat, R. and Kagström, B. 2010. Parallel solvers for Sylvester-type matrix equations with applications in condition estimation. Part I: Theory and algorithms.