The goal of a reliable network is to ensure that all transmitted messages arrive at their intended destinations uncorrupted. Most network design techniques concem themselves with channel capacity allocation and cost constraints and ignore reliability analysis. Conversely, network reliability analysis methods focus on connectivity and ignore traffic loads and channel capacities. This paper presents a design strategy to enhance the reliability of an existing network by modifying its topology. This method takes into account traffic distributions. A new reliability metric is introduced which is the probability that all transmitted messages arrive at their intended destinations under the given traffic distribution. The design strategy adds links to the network to maximize the probability that all transmitted messages arrive that their intended destinations. An reliability metric. The network design technique uses an approximate network reliability analysis algorithm to achieve quadratic-time performance.
.O IntroductionCommunication networks are often modeled by directed graphs (digraphs) in which the communicating entities are vertices or "nodes" and the communication paths are "links". Digraphs are also the model of choice because they capture important topological information and analytical techniques exist to define and compute a variety of reliability measures. One of the more useful reliability measures is the source-to-terminal (s-t) reliability, which is the probability that a given "source" node can communicate with a given "terminal" node. Closely allied with this is the notion of k-terminal reliability, which is the probability that all nodes in a given set "k" can communicate.Many techniques have been proposed in the literature [1,4,10-13,16-18] to compute s-t reliabilities andor k-terminal reliabilities. These techniques vary widely in computational efficiency and although some of them may show impressive speed in many situations, the solution time is still an exponential function of the network size for a worst-case scenario. In fact, no published network analysis technique for s-t reliability or k-terminal reliability can guarantee exact results in polynomial-time for an arbitrary network topology. Typically, these methods also assume that network connectivity is the only determining factor in assessing network reliability. The effects of traffic distribution, channel capacity and other factors are generally ignored. In [I61 and [I71 Wassem presents a method for designing survivable fiber-optic networks using SONET technology. Although Wassem's algorithms determine ring routings and network topologies in polynomial-time, the allowed set of network topologies is restricted to ring-based structures. Typical local-area networks (LANs), such as PC computer networks and terminal server networks, are Ethemet-based and hence are not addressed by [ 161 or [ 171. Wassem's design method also does not compute s-t reliabilities or k-terminal reliabilities. In [IS], Yo0 and Deo compare the computational efficiency o...