The Multiply Accumulate (MAC) unit constructed using antiquated Vedic mathematical practice and the efficiency of the vertical and transversely of Vedic approach for multiplication, which gives a distinction in genuine cycle of Multiplier itself. Vedic-Mathematics is depend on 16-Sutras, in that Urdhva-Triyakbhyam (UT) more productive one. It literally means vertical and cross wise operations. It eliminates unwanted multiplication and allows the parallel creation of partial products and addition steps. The adders are utilized to append the partial-product generated in the Vedic mathematics methodology to drops the combinational lag. MAC is an essential unit in the digital signal processors, to show the characters like speed, power as well as area. Hence, finer multiplier plans are to increase the order of the system. The Modified sum product algorithm based Vedic multiplier is one such promising solution. It has a rapid multiplication process and reaches a less calculation complexity above its traditional multiplier. Array multiplier, Baugh-Wooley multiplier, Wallace-tree multiplier and Vedic multiplier were created in the existing work. In proposed work Vedic multiplier, using modified sum product algorithm was designed. The structure design coded in verilog and parameter analysis was done in Xilinx. The parameters like delay as well as power were compare between existing and proposed. When comparing with different multiplier with our proposed work delay get reduced. Comparing with existing multiplier the proposed 4x4 Vedic multiplier have 49.12% reduction in delay. Comparing with existing multiplier the proposed Vedic 4x4 multiplier have 42.51% reduction in power.