In this work, the authors aim to provide a set of convenient methods for generating training data, and then develop a deep learning method based on point clouds to estimate the pose of target for robot grasping.
This work presents a deep learning method PointSimGrasp on point clouds for robot grasping. In PointSimGrasp, a point cloud emulator is introduced to generate training data and a pose estimation algorithm, which, based on deep learning, is designed. After trained with the emulation data set, the pose estimation algorithm could estimate the pose of target.
In experiment part, an experimental platform is built, which contains a six-axis industrial robot, a binocular structured-light sensor and a base platform with adjustable inclination. A data set that contains three subsets is set up on the experimental platform. After trained with the emulation data set, the PointSimGrasp is tested on the experimental data set, and an average translation error of about 2–3 mm and an average rotation error of about 2–5 degrees are obtained.
The contributions are as follows: first, a deep learning method on point clouds is proposed to estimate 6D pose of target; second, a convenient training method for pose estimation algorithm is presented and a point cloud emulator is introduced to generate training data; finally, an experimental platform is built, and the PointSimGrasp is tested on the platform.