The paper presents a description of par3Dhp -a 3D, parallel, fully automatic hp-adaptive finite element code for elliptic and Maxwell problems. The parallel implementation is an extension of the sequential code 3Dhp90, which generates, in a fully automatic mode, optimal hp meshes for various boundary value problems. The system constitutes an infrastructure for a class of parallel hp adaptive computations. Its modular structure allows for an independent parallelization of each component of the system. The presented work addresses parallelization of these components, including distributed data structures, load balancing and domain redistribution, parallel (multi-frontal) solver, optimal hp mesh refinements, and a main control module. All components communicate through a distributed data structure, and the control module synchronizes work of all components. The concept of ghost elements has been used to simplify the communication algorithms for parallel mesh refinements. The system has been implemented in Fortran 90 and MPI, and the load balancing is done through an interface with the ZOLTAN library. Numerical results are presented for the model Fichera problem.Key words: Automatic hp-adaptivity, Finite Element Method, Parallel algorithms, High performance computing
AcknowledgmentThe work of the second author has been supported by Air Force under Contract F49620-98-1-0255. The computations reported in this work were done through the National Science Foundation's National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure. The authors are greatly indebted to Jason Kurtz for numerous discussions on the subject.
DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENTApproved for public release; distribution unlimited
SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESThe original document contains color images.
ABSTRACTThe paper presents a description of par3Dhp -a 3D, parallel, fully automatic hp-adaptive finite element code for elliptic and Maxwell problems. The parallel implementation is an extension of the sequential code 3Dhp90, which generates, in a fully automatic mode, optimal hp meshes for various boundary value problems. The system constitutes an infrastructure for a class of parallel hp adaptive computations. Its modular structure allows for an independent parallelization of each component of the system. The presented work addresses parallelization of these components, including distributed data structures, load balancing and domain redistribution, parallel (multi-frontal) solver, optimal hp mesh refinements, and a main control module. All components communicate through a distributed data structure, and the control module synchronizes work of all components. The concept of ghost elements has been used to simplify the communication algorithms for parallel mesh refinements. The system has been implemented in Fortran 90 and MPI, and the load balancing is done through an interface with the ZOLTAN library. Numerical results are pres...