Abstract-Visual odometry is one of the most active topics in computer vision. The automotive industry is particularly interested in this field due to the appeal of achieving a high degree of accuracy with inexpensive sensors such as cameras. The best results on this task are currently achieved by systems based on a calibrated stereo camera rig, whereas monocular systems are generally lagging behind in terms of performance. We hypothesise that this is due to stereo visual odometry being an inherently easier problem, rather than than due to higher quality of the state of the art stereo based algorithms. Under this hypothesis, techniques developed for monocular visual odometry systems would be, in general, more refined and robust since they have to deal with an intrinsically more difficult problem.In this work we present a novel stereo visual odometry system for automotive applications based on advanced monocular techniques. We show that the generalization of these techniques to the stereo case result in a significant improvement of the robustness and accuracy of stereo based visual odometry. We support our claims by the system results on the well known KITTI benchmark, achieving the top rank for visual only systems * .