It is usually assumed that a quantum computation is performed by applying gates in a specific order. One can relax this assumption by allowing a control quantum system to switch the order in which the gates are applied. This provides a more general kind of quantum computing that allows transformations on blackbox quantum gates that are impossible in a circuit with fixed order. Here we show that this model of quantum computing is physically realizable, by proposing an interferometric setup that can implement such a quantum control of the order between the gates. We show that this new resource provides a reduction in computational complexity: we propose a problem that can be solved by using OðnÞ blackbox queries, whereas the best known quantum algorithm with fixed order between the gates requires Oðn 2 Þ queries. Furthermore, we conjecture that solving this problem in a classical computer takes exponential time, which may be of independent interest. A useful tool to calculate the complexity of a quantum algorithm is the blackbox model of quantum computation. In this model, the input to the computation is encoded in a unitary gate-treated as a blackbox-and the complexity of the algorithm is the number of times this gate has to be queried to solve the problem.Typically, blackbox computation is studied within the quantum circuit formalism [1]. A quantum circuit consists of a collection of wires, representing quantum systems, that connect boxes, representing unitary transformations. In this framework, wires are assumed to connect the various gates in a fixed structure; thus, the order in which the gates are applied is determined in advance and independently of the input states. It was first proposed in Ref.[2] that such a constraint can be relaxed: one can consider situations where the wires, and thus the order between gates, can be controlled by some extra variable. This is natural if one thinks of the circuit's wires as quantum systems that can be in superposition.Such "superpositions of orders" allow performing information-theoretical tasks that are impossible in the quantum circuit model: it was shown in Ref.[3] that it is possible to decide whether a pair of blackbox unitaries commute or anticommute with a single use of each unitary, whereas in a circuit with a fixed order at least one of the unitaries must be used twice. (The same task was considered in a quantum optics context in Ref. [4], where a less efficient protocol was found.)It was not known, however, whether this advantage can be translated into more efficient algorithms for quantum computing, i.e., if a quantum computer that can control the order between gates can solve a computational problem with asymptotically less resources than a quantum computer with fixed circuit structure.Here we present such a problem: given a set of n unitary matrices and the promise that they satisfy one out of n! specific properties, find which property is satisfied. The essential resource to solve this problem is the quantum control over the order of n blackboxes, first in...