This paper describes a general unstructured grid, EOS-based, fully-implicit thermal simulator for complex reservoir processes. Under the unstructured grid framework, the simulator uses Newton's method to solve component material balance equations, energy balance equation and volume balance equation for component moles, energy and pressure, where chemical reactions and/or external heat sources/sinks are treated in source terms. Because of the similarity among component material balance equations and the energy balance equation, energy is treated as a "component" to achieve a uniform formulation with common code for all simulations (black oil, compositional and thermal).
The thermal simulator was validated using analytical models as well as other thermal simulators. Application of the thermal simulator includes studies of grid-orientation problems and to design and optimise Cold Lake heavy oil development.
Modern reservoir management requires a simulator to accurately represent reservoir details using fine-scale geologic features, complex well paths, and modeling of large-scale interactions between multiple fields. Unstructured gridding makes it possible to capture and honor more geologic and engineering detail in reservoir simulation models with greater exactness than Cartesian-based reservoir grids. However, industry has been generally reluctant to apply this capability to practical reservoir simulation due in part to concerns about potential loss in computational efficiency. Many papers have been published under Cartesian-based framework1–5. Few papers are available to address reservoir simulation issues under general unstructured grid framework6–11.
In 2001, Beckner, et al.6 presented ExxonMobil's new unstructured grid reservoir simulation system, which discussed field examples involving complex geologic features (e.g. non-vertical faults and stratigraphic pinchouts) and multiple reservoirs connected to a common production infrastructure. It was reported that the simulator significantly reduces simulation cycle-time through ease-of-use and integration with geologic models. One example indicated that about 100,000 blocks can represent the equivalent of 1.6 million rectangular grid blocks for achieving accurate geologic features.
One of the most important aspects for unstructured reservoir simulator development is the linear solver for solving large linear system created by an unstructured grid which cannot be efficiently solved by conventional solution methods normally applied to simulators using rectangular gridding. Beckner, et al.8 in 2006 reported their collaborative effort on developing an unstructured linear solver library called SparSol, which includes a numerical library of scaling and reordering methods, preconditioners and iterative methods. Results show that SparSol is faster than several popular, freely-available packages for the set of matrices tested.
Usadi, et al.9 reported their experiences with parallelizing an unstructured reservoir simulator on SMP machines. Included in their paper are how parallelization is performed at a high level through several variants of data partitioning adapted to the specific algorithmic needs, that solver convergence rate can be strongly dependent on simulator determined data partitioning, and that well management performance can be strongly dependent on the way reservoir engineers have applied their constraints and field production analysis.
The next few sections of this paper present an overview of the simulation equations, solution procedures, and some discussions. Examples are given to illustrate simulator results, to demonstrate how the simulator can reduce grid-orientation problems and how the equation of state (EOS) method can be used in thermal simulation. The final section contains the conclusions resulting from this work.