“…(19) reflects the fact that a value of SL(a, ,8, y, G~) is determined in a rotated coordinate system X', Y', Y' described by the Eulerian angles a, ti, 7 with respect to the old system X, Y, Y.Having been determined in such a way the value of Sc(a, ,8, y, Gs) remains invariant under transformation of the group G s. The angles (a i, fl~, ~) at which the sum SL(ct, ti, y, Gs) takes a maximum value will define the principal axis system (Xi, Yi, Zi, G~) of the tensor component of symmetry Gs in the tensor A c. The distortion coefficient dL(G~) = [S L -max SL(a, q y, G~)]/S z characterizes distortion of the tensor A L relative to symmetry G s. If dL(Gs) = 0, the tensor A L has symmetry G~. We will now consider the often encountered cases: L = 4 and 6, G, = O n. L = 4, G s = O h .…”