1. 2,3-Butanedione was found to be a poor noncompetitive inhibitor (Ki z 0.1 M) of bovine milk lactoperoxidase. Irradiation of an incubation mixture of these two substances in the visible region led, however, to an irreversible loss of enzyme activity. The inactivation rates were dependent on light intensity, light wavelength and sensitizer concentration. Maximal rate of inactivation occurred at 400 -420 nm. Other dicarbonyl compounds which caused a similar photodestruction of lactoperoxidase in the visible region were 2,3-pentanedione and 1 -phenyl-I ,2-propanedione, the following compounds being without effect : phenylglyoxal, methylglyoxal, glyoxal, 1,2-cyclohexanedione and acetone. Of the latter, however, 1,2-cyclohexanedione, phenylglyoxal, methylglyoxal and acetone inactivated lactoperoxidase at 254 nm.2. The butanedione-sensitized photochemical inactivation of lactoperoxidase was preventcd by the presence of free radical scavengers and singlet oxygen quenchers, the best protectors being the histidine derivatives ~-3-methylhistidine, L-I-methylhistidine and i.-thiol-2-histidine, which displayed dual quenching ability. No photochemical inactivation of lactoperoxidase occurred in anoxic media even in the presence of high butanedione concentration and strong illumination.3. The butanedione-sensitized photochemical inactivation of lactoperoxidase was accompanied by extensive changes in the ultraviolet absorption spectra of the enzyme. Simultaneously, a dramatic loss in tryptophan fluorescence occurred. All spectral and fluorescence changes were prevented by the above protectors. The sensitized enzyme inactivation was shown to be an all-or-none type of reaction ; no partially inactivatcd enzymes existed.4. Amino acid analysis of native and butanedione light-treated lactoperoxidase showed that the treated enzyme contained considerably less of the following amino acids than the native enzyme : methionine, arginine, tyrosine, aspartic acid, serine, glutamic acid. Histidine residues were probably attacked also. Inhibition and modification studies showed that the activity of the enzyme was not based on arginyl and tryptophyl residues.5. These results suggest that 2,3-butanedione, 1,2-cyclohexanedione, phenylglyoxal and related dicarbonyl compounds, which have previously been used as relatively specific probes for the active arginyl residues of enzymes, cause under suitable modification conditions extensive changes in the structure of an enzyme by affecting a multitude of amino acid residues. These compounds can totally inactivate an enzyme regardless of the essentiality or inessentiality of arginyl residues for enzyme activity. The present results warn against drawing conclusions from modification studies with dicarbonyl Compounds unless the irradiation conditions are carefully considered.2,3-Butanedione has in numerous studies been reported to demonstrate high selectively toward active arginyl residues of enzymes [l -141. A typical case is the modification of an active arginyl residue of carboxypeptidase A with thi...