Brain extraction is an essential prerequisite for the automated diagnosis of intracranial lesions and determines, to a certain extent, the accuracy of subsequent lesion recognition, location, and segmentation. Segmentation using a fully convolutional neural network (FCN) yields high accuracy but a relatively slow extraction speed.
This paper proposes an integrated algorithm, FABEM, to address the above issues. This method first uses threshold segmentation, closed operation, convolutional neural network (CNN), and image filling to generate a specific mask. Then, it detects the number of connected regions of the mask. If the number of connected regions equals 1, the extraction is done by directly multiplying with the original image. Otherwise, the mask was further segmented using the region growth method for original images with single-region brain distribution. Conversely, for images with multi-region brain distribution, Deeplabv3 + is used to adjust the mask. Finally, the mask is multiplied with the original image to complete the extraction.
The algorithm and 5 FCN models were tested on 24 datasets containing different lesions, and the algorithm’s performance showed MPA = 0.9968, MIoU = 0.9936, and MBF = 0.9963, comparable to the Deeplabv3+. Still, its extraction speed is much faster than the Deeplabv3+. It can complete the brain extraction of a head CT image in about 0.43 s, about 3.8 times that of the Deeplabv3+.
Thus, this method can achieve accurate brain extraction from head CT images faster, creating a good basis for subsequent brain volume measurement and feature extraction of intracranial lesions.