A rotating radiative-convective equilibrium on a sphere is reached using a global atmospheric model with prescribed globally uniform sea surface temperature and no insolation. In such an equilibrium state, multiple tropical cyclone-like vortices coexist in the extratropics, moving slowly poleward and westward. Many vortices have a lifetime longer than 2 months and travel from the tropics to the polar regions. The typical spacing of simulated tropical cyclone-like vortices is comparable to the deformation radius, while the production of available potential energy is at a scale slightly smaller than those vortices. It is hypothesized that the growth of tropical cyclone-like vortices is driven by the self-aggregation of convection, while baroclinic instability destabilizes any vortices that grow significantly larger than the deformation radius. A weak Hadley circulation dominates in the deep tropics, and an eastward propagating wave number 1 Kelvin-like mode having a period of 30-40 days develops at the equator. The weak Hadley circulation is found to emerge from an initially quiescent atmosphere due to poleward momentum transport by the vortices.