Thermal recovery is one of the most widely applied EOR methods worldwide. It is used mainly to improve the recovery of more viscous oils. Heat is used primarily to reduce the viscosity of oil but may also improve recovery by other mechanisms such as oil expansion, steam distillation and reduction in capillary forces. As a result, the prediction of thermal recovery performance requires more complex and computationally demanding numerical simulations than is the case when evaluating a waterflood. The simulator has to evaluate the impact of both heat transfer and compositional behaviour on the fluid flows.In most cases the engineer will have to use coarser grids in the simulation models than would be needed for a waterflood in order to keep simulation times within acceptable limits. However, it has been shown in the modelling of other EOR processes that in fact much finer grids may be needed to capture the frontal dynamics of the displacement than would be the case in waterflooding. As a result, the simulation of steamflooding on the field scale is unlikely to capture the impact of small scale heterogeneity on flow, as well as being severely affected by numerical dispersion. The ideal solution is to use homogenization to capture the effects of sub-grid-block heterogeneity combined with advanced numerical techniques such as dynamic/adaptive gridding or higher order schemes to reduce the impact of numerical diffusion and dispersion. However, such methods are not currently available in the commercial simulators available to most engineers.The alternative is to use upscaling, but as yet there are no upscaling methodologies suitable for thermal oil recovery methods. Upscaling is a way of altering the inputs to numerical flow models so that simulations run on a coarse grid. These will a) predict the impacts on flow of sub-grid heterogeneity (homogenization) and b) will be less affected by numerical dispersion. For waterflooding this is typically achieved by calculating the effective absolute permeability for each coarse grid cell. In many cases, it is also necessary to upscale the well index and the transmissibilities of the well blocks. Upscaling the absolute permeability, the well index and the well block transmissibilities, ensures that the overall pressure drop for single phase flow between wells is correctly predicted in the coarse grid, whilst upscaling the relative permeabilities ensures that the two-phase flow effects (pressure drop, breakthrough time and water cut development) are correctly modelled. Although there is a significant literature on single-phase upscaling and the development of pseudo relative permeabilities for waterflooding applications, these methods do not capture the heat transport or the impact of temperature on the oil mobility.
ivIn this research, a combination of pseudoisation procedures (by making reasonable assumptions) with the Buckley-Leverett solution approximated for thermal EOR processes is used to derive analytical pseudo-relative permeabilities for both hot water and steam ...