INTRODUCTION. The ability of a proper name to reflect both subject information and multifaceted background information puts it on a par with the main carrier of scientific knowledge – a term. In the study of linguistic expression of knowledge, the question of the role and place of onomastic vocabulary in the content of school education becomes relevant. The purpose of the study is to analyze the qualitative composition, quantitative parameters and nature of the relationship of proper names in the structure of existing educational texts, which will allow us to formulate requirements for the organization of the onomastic content of newly created texts.MATERIALS AND METHODS. The research material was an array of proper names extracted by the method of continuous sampling from the texts of textbooks and programs on all subjects of general secondary education in the late 1980s – early 2000s. When processing the obtained material, presented in the Database format, analytical, comparative, field methods, elements of the statistical method were used. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. The total number and composition of onomastic units in educational texts were determined, the frequency and prevalence rates of these units were established, the core and peripheral components of this onomastic space were distinguished, the ratio of recurring and single onyms was revealed, their role in expressing subject knowledge was characterized, and the conditions for the optimal organization of educational onomastic space were formulated.CONCLUSION. The obtained data provide an idea of the volume and nature of the onomastic fragment of the generally binding scientific knowledge reflected in the normative scientific texts of the analyzed era. These results create the basis for the implementation of a systematic approach to the organization of onomastic vocabulary within the framework of normative scientific texts. Comparison of the obtained data with data from other time periods will allow us to determine the onomastic invariant and variable elements in different time concepts of the composition of basic onomastic knowledge.