In this paper, analytical and numerical approach is applied to find the steady-state and dynamic behaviors of an axially accelerating viscoelastic beam subject to two-frequency parametric excitation in presence of internal resonance. Direct method of multiple scales is employed to solve the cubic nonlinear integropartial differential equation. As a result, the governing equation of motion is reduced to a set of nonlinear first-order partial differential equations. These equations are solved through continuation algorithm approach to find the frequency and amplitude response curves and their stability and bifurcation. The system reveals the presence of Hopf, saddle node, and pitchfork bifurcations. The dynamic bevavior of the system is estimated through phase portraits, time traces, Poincare maps, and FFT power spectra obtained via direct time integration. The evolution of maximum Lyapunov exponent reveals the system parameter where the dynamic response changes from stable periodic to unstable chaotic motion of the system.