We show through Thermofield Dynamics approach that the action of the thermalized quantum logic gate on the thermalized state is equivalent to thermalization of the state that arise from the application of the non-thermalized quantum logic gate. In particular, we study the effect of temperature on a mixed state associated to a system capable of implementing a CNOT quantum logic gate. According to a proposal in the literature, a way of implementing such a logic gate is by using a representation of the qubit states as elements of the Fock space of a bosonic system. We consider such a proposal and use the Thermofield Dynamics to determine the thermalized qubit states. The temperature acts as a quantum noise on pure states, making them a statistical mixture. In this context we analyze the fidelity as a function of the temperature and using the Mandel parameter, we determine temperature ranges for which the statistics of the system becomes subpoissonian, poissonian and superpoissonian. Finally, we calculate the Wigner function, allowing an analysis of the thermal state in phase space, and we obtain that the increase of temperature decreases non-classical properties of the system. The temperature range where one has a subpoissonian statistics and high fidelity is determined.