The nonlinear interaction of oscillation modes is investigated on the basis of Lagrangian formalism. Equations describing the changes of the bound mode amplitudes versus time, are obtained. It is shown that the energy transformation between different modes is of a periodic nature: if in the initial moment of time an appreciable part of the energy is contained, for example, in the m-th mode, then after aperiod of time T t (called a time of nonlinear interaction) the energy will be transformed to the n-th mode. Expressions for T t for cases with the interaction of two and three modes are obtained. As a particular case the process of nonlinear interaction of the electron "transverse" and "longitudinal" oscillations in the highfrequency hybrid resonance region of a "weakly" inhomogeneous plasma was investigated.
IntroductionAt present the methods of plasma dynamic stabilization draw a great attention of both theoreticians and experimenters (see, e.g. [1-6] and vast References listed therein). This interest can be explained by the fact that such methods favour an efficient stabilization of the most dangerous from a standpoint of the plasma long confinement, "sausage-type" and "kink-type" hydrodynamic instabilities (unstable oscillations with m = (0,1), respectively).However, in the known theoretical papers the analyisys of the plasma configuration stability with respect to small perturbations is based on the known procedure of linearization of the MHD equations. Proceeding from the linearized equations one can determine conditions for plasma stability with respect to perturbations only with an infinitely small amplitude. What concerns perturbations with sufficiently large amplitudes, in this case the results of the linear stability theory can not be applied, even if for the reason, that in the nonlinear approximation the oscillation modes interact effectively. The nonlinear interaction of oscillations leads to the transformation of energy from one mode to another one. Under certain conditions this effect favours the stabilization of the unstable oscillation. In fact, assume for definiteness, that oscillation with m = 0 is unstable one (" sausage-type" instability) whereas oscillations with m_-__ 1 are stable ones. The linear theory defines such a state as "absolutely un-* On leave from the Atomic Energy State Committee, USSR.