DE87 005836The hydration of an outer layer on nuclear waste glasses Is known to occur during leaching, but the actual speclatlon of hydrogen (as water or hydroxyl groups) in these layers has not been determined. As part of the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations Project, we have used infrared spectroscopy to determine hydrogen spedatlons n three nuclear waste glass compositions (SRL-131 & 165, and PNL 76-6 1, which were leached at 90'C (all glasses) or hydrated In a vapor-satu ated atmosphere at 202*C (SRL-131 only). Hydroxyl groups were found in the surface layers of all the glasses. In addition, molecular wat~>r was found in the surface of SRL-131 and PNL 76-68 glasses that had i.een leached for several months 1n deionlzed water, and 1n the vapor-hydrated sample. The water/hydroxyl ratio Increases with increasing reaction time; molecular water makes up most of the hydrogen In the thick reaction layers on vapor-phase hydrated glass while only hydroxyl occurs In the least reacted samples. Using the known molar absorptlvltle; of water and hydroxyl 1n silica-rich glass the vapor-phase layer contained 4.8 moles/liter of molecular water, and 0.6 moles water in the forr hydroxyl. A 15 micrometer layer on SRL-131 glass formed by leachln at 90°C contained a total of 4.9 moles/liter of water, 2/3 of which wa: as hydroxyl. The unreacted bulk glass contains about 0.018 moles/liter water, all as hydroxyl.The amount of hydrogen added to the SRL-131 glass was about 70% of the original Na + Li content, not the 300% that would result from alkali-hydronium 1on (HgO-1 -) interdiffusion. If all the hydrogen Is then assumed to be added as the result of alkali-H + Interdiffusion, the molecular water observed nay have formed from condensation of the original hydroxyl groups according to:
20H -H2O molecular + 0°where 0° refers to a bridging oxygen, and OH refers to a hydroxyl group attached to a silicate polymer. The hydrated layer on the nuclear waste glasses appears to be of relatively low water content (4 to 7% by weight) and Is not substantially hydroxylated. Thus, these layers do not have many of the properties associated with "gel" layers.