Background. Presence of possibility of analytical definition of a part of parametres of various radio devices, optimum by criterion of maintenance of preset values of modules and phases of transfer functions on necessary quantity of frequencies, considerably reduces time of numerical optimisation of other part of parametres by criterion of formation demanded PFC and FFC in a strip of frequencies. Till now such problems dared concerning radio devices only with one cascade of type «a nonlinear part - the coordination the device» or «the coordination the device - a nonlinear part». In quality the coordination devices were used the jet, resistive, complex or mixed two-port networks. The problem of multicascade radio devices with jet two-port networks is solved also. Change of basis for the coordination two-port networks and a place of inclusion of a nonlinear part leads to change of area of a physical realizability. Aim. Working out of algorithms of parametrical synthesis of radio devices with any quantity of identical and unequal cascades of type «the coordination the resistive two-port network – a nonlinear part» by criterion of maintenance of the set frequency characteristics. Nonlinear parts are presented in the form of a nonlinear element and parallel either consecutive on a current or pressure of a feedback. Methods. The theory of two-port networks, matrix algebra, a decomposition method, a method of synthesis of actuation microwave devices, numerical methods of optimisation. Results. In interests of achievement of the specified purpose systems of the algebraic equations are generated and solved. Models of optimum two-port networks in the form of mathematical expressions for definition of interrelations between elements of their classical matrix of transfer and for search of dependences of resistance of two-poles from frequency are received. It is shown, that at certain parities between quantity of identical cascades and values of resistance of a source of a signal and loading of the one-cascade radio device frequency characteristics of one-cascade and multicascade radio devices appear identical or similar. Such schemes are named by equivalent. Use of unequal cascades leads to substantial growth of a working strip of frequencies. Conclusion. The comparative analysis of theoretical results (PFC and FFC radio devices, value of parametres), received by mathematical modelling in system «MathCad», and the experimental results received by scheme modelling in systems «OrCad» and «MicroCap», shows their satisfactory coincidence.