“…Closed activity types such as Multiple Choice (MC) are especially popular due to their ability to automatically score the exercises based on the very restricted space of possible learner answers (Tafazoli et al, 2019), yet supported exercise formats vary from one system to the other. A number of tools integrate a variety of different formats: MIRTO automatically generates Fillin-the-Blanks (FiB) as well as Mark-the-Words (MtW) exercises (Antoniadis et al, 2004); Arik-Iturri can generate MC, Error Detection, FiB and Word Formation exercises (Aldabe et al, 2006); an extension of the language aware search Engine FLAIR 1 (Heck and Meurers, 2022b) covers a wide range including FiB, MC, MtW, Memory, Jumbled Sentences and Drag and Drop exercises; Sakumon (Hoshino and Nakagawa, 2008) and Cloze-Fox (Jozef and Sevinc, 2010) support cloze exercises in FiB as well as MC format; WERTi (Meurers et al, 2010) and its multilingual extension View (Reynolds et al, 2014) in addition feature MtW exercises, the Language Exercise App Sentence Shuffling activities (Pérez and Cuadros, 2017), and Ferreira and Pereira Jr. (2018)'s Verb Tenses System True/False and Tense transposition exercises. While these systems can generate multiple exercises for a linguistic structure from the same source document, the actual number of exercises is usually quite limited.…”