Dermatomyositis (DM) is a strikingly heterogenous disease characterized by a broad and everevolving spectrum of cutaneous manifestations that transcend the classic "hallmarks" defined by Peter and Bohan in 1975. Despite the increasing preponderance and ubiquity of autoantibody, radiologic, and electrophysiologic testing, the diagnosis of DM still hinges largely on prompt detection of cutaneous manifestations of this condition. While pathognomonic cutaneous features of DM are more readily recognizable, many patients present with subtle and/or atypical skin manifestations, and diagnosis of DM may require clinician identification of these cutaneous clues. In this review, we highlight several of the lesserknown skin manifestations of DM, specifically, panniculitis, diffuse subcutaneous edema, erythroderma, calcinosis, ulceration, flagellate erythema, Wong-type DM, gingival telangiectasias, and the ovoid palatal patch. We describe the clinical and histopathologic presentation of these cutaneous findings. While manifesting less frequently than the heliotrope rash, Gottron's papules, and Gottron's sign, these cutaneous clues are equally important for clinicians to recognize in order to facilitate timely diagnosis and early intervention.