Introduction: One of the most frequent method of suicide attempt in India is intentional super vasmol poisoning. If it is untreated, it leads to many complications such as, rhabdomyolysis, angioedema, acute kidney injury, and hypocalcemia. Of all above mentioned; hypocalcemia can cause pathologies of the neuromuscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. Early detection and treatment of the issue can reduce the diseases and fatalities that are related to it.
Aim: This study aims to assess the incidence, clinical manifestations, and management of hypocalcemia in super vasmol poisoning patients.
Methods: A prospective observational study was undertaken on 50 super vasmol poisoning patients for about six months at the government general hospital, RIMS, Kadapa from November 2021 to April 2022. Only subjects who are willing to give their consent were included in the study. All trial participants were observed for the duration of their hospital stay to evaluate hypocalcemia.
Results: Out of the 50 subjects, 22 (44%) were male, 28 (56%) were female, and the majority (40%) were in between the age group of 21 to 30 years. 15 patients (30%) out of the 50 subjects were developed with hypocalcemia, particularly those who consumed more than 50 ml of super vasmol. We observed that 66.5% of subjects received parenteral calcium gluconate while 33.5% subjects received oral calcium carbonate.
Conclusion: Hypocalcemia is a hidden complication of super vasmol poisoning, and there is a need to raise awareness among the among medical professionals about the necessity of routinely checking serum calcium levels as well as public regarding the dangers of super vasmol.
Keywords: Super vasmol, Toxicity, Hypocalcemia, Hospitalization, Counselling.