Objective: Paravalvular leaks (PVLs) commonly occur in mitral prostheses. Real-time 3-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (RT-3D TEE) may provide invaluable information about complex 3D anatomy of mitral PVLs compared to two-dimensional (2D) TEE findings. We, herein, aimed to evaluate the detailed description of anatomical characteristics of severe mitral PVLs using RT-3D TEE. Methods: Patients with diagnosis of severe mitral PVLs were simultaneously examined with 2D transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), 2D TEE, and RT-3D TEE. 3D characteristics of PVLs (localization, number, size, shape, etc.) were recorded and compared to 2D findings. Results were also compared with surgical findings. Results: The study comprised 47 cases (3 bioprosthesis, 44 mechanical) with 61 severe mitral PVLs. The most common PVL localizations were anterolateral commissure, posteromedial commissures and posterolateral region. The mean PVL width measured by 2D TEE was 3.1±1.3 (range; 2-7) mm and the mean width of defect measured by 3D TEE was 3.1±1.1 (range; 2-7) mm (p=0.7). The mean length of defect measured by 3D TEE was 11.1±6.5 mm. The most common defect type was 'oval/round' shaped (n=29; 48%). There were also 19 'crescentic' (31%), 9 'slit like' (15%), and 2 tunnel-like shaped defects. In 22 patients, the site and dimension of the PVLs were all confirmed surgically. Conclusion: RT-3D TEE permits detailed structural evaluation of the prosthesis and description of paravalvular leak morphology compared to 2D TEE. It may provide more accurate information to the clinician in decision making and may contribute to the success of the potential corrective procedures. (Anadolu Kardiyol Derg 2013; 13: 633-40) Key words: Paravalvular mitral regurgitation, real-time three-dimensional transözofageal echocardiography
Original Investigation Özgün Araşt›rma 633ÖZET Amaç: Paravalvüler kaçaklar (PVK) genellikle mitral protez kapaklarda görülür. Gerçek zamanlı üç-boyutlu transözofageal ekokardiyografi (GZ-3B TÖE) iki boyutlu transözofageal ekokardiyografi (2B TÖE) ile kıyaslandığında mitral protez kapağın kompleks 3B anatomisi hakkında paha biçilmez bilgiler sunar. Bu çalışmada GZ-3B TÖE'yi kullanarak ileri mitral PVK'ların detaylı anatomik özelliklerini incelemeyi hedefledik.Yöntemler: İleri PVK'sı olan hastalar eş zamanlı 2B transtorasik ekokardiyografi, 2B TÖE ve GZ-3B TÖE ile incelendi. PVK'ların 3B özellikleri (yerleşimi, boyutları, şekilleri, sayıları vs.) kaydedildi ve 2B görüntülerle kıyaslandı. Sonuçlar cerrahi bulgularla da kıyaslandı. Bulgular: Çalışma 47 mitral protez kapak hastasını (3 biyoprotez, 44 mekanik) ve toplam 61 PVK'yı kapsıyordu. En sık PVK yerleşimi anterolateral komissür, posteromediyal komissür ve posterolateral bölge idi. 2B TÖE ve 3B ile ölçülen ortalama defekt eni sırasıyla 3,1±1,3 (aralık; 2-7) mm ve 3,1±1,1 (aralık; 2-7) mm idi (p=0,7). 3B TÖE ile ölçülen defekt uzunluğu ise 11,1±6,5 mm idi. En sık defekt türü 'oval/yuvarlak' (n=29; %48) idi. Ayrıca 19 hilal şekilli (%31), 9 kesik şekilli (%15) ve 2 tünel...