behaviors were assessed using a five-item measure (“shows lack of
guilt after misbehavior”, “seems unresponsive to
affection”, “shows too little fear”,
“punishment doesn’t change behavior” and
“shows a lack of affection to others”), previously shown to
factor separately from other dimensions of externalizing behavior (i.e.,
oppositional and attention-deficit behaviors) in five independent samples of
children during the age period from 2–4 years old, including in the
current sample (Kimonis, Bagner, Linares,
Blake, & Rodriguez, 2014; Waller, Hyde et al, 2015; Waller, Shaw et al, 2015; Willoughby, Waschbusch, Moore, & Propper, 2011; Willoughby, Mills-Koonce, Gottfredson, &
Wagner, 2014). Moreover, in support of its construct and
predictive validity, CU behaviors as measured with these items have been
uniquely related to lower parent-reported moral regulation, empathy, and
guilt (Waller, Hyde et al, 2015),
and predicted more teacher-reported externalizing problems at ages 6 (Waller, Hyde et al, 2015) and 10
(Song, Waller, Hyde, & Olson,
2015) within the current sample.…”