Background: Fever in under-five children (U5) is the commonest presenting complaint in general practice and mothers' recognition is an entry point for fever treatment, including malaria. This study describes rural-urban disparity in fever prevalence in U5, mothers' malaria knowledge, care-seeking, testing for malaria before anti-malarial medication and the associated factors. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 630 mother-child pairs [rural (300) and urban (330)] selected randomly using a multi-stage sampling from 63 villages in Igabi LGA, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Trained female data collectors administered a pre-tested structured questionnaire to collect information on mother-child demographic profiles, malaria knowledge, fever episodes in birth order last child in two weeks prior to survey, blood testing before anti-malarial use, and delayed care-seeking defined as care sought for fever > 48 h of onset. Malaria knowledge was categorized into good, average, and poor if the final scores were ≥ 75th, 50th-74th, and < 50th percentiles, respectively. Frequency, proportions, and odds ratio were calculated. Statistically significant was set at p-value < 0.05. Results: The median age (interquartile range) of rural mothers was 30 (IQR, 10) years compared to 27 (IQR, 6) years in urban. Of the 70.0% (441/629) U5 children with fever, 58.5% (258/441) were in rural settlements. A third of the mothers whose child had fever sought care. Mothers in rural settlements were 2.8 (adjusted OR: 2.8, CI 1.8-4.2, p < 0.01) times more likely to delay care-seeking for fever. Other significant factors were poor or no knowledge of malaria transmission, poor perception of malaria as a major health problem, and household size > 5. Also, mothers who had no formal education were four times more likely to receive anti-malarial medications without testing for malaria compared to their educated counterpart (adjusted OR: 4.0, 95% CI 1.6-9.9, p < 0.000). Conclusions: Rural-urban disparities existed between fever prevalence in U5 children, care-seeking practices by their mothers, and factors associated with delayed care-seeking and testing the fever for malaria before anti-malarial medication. Fever treatment for high impact malaria elimination in Nigeria needs a context-specific intervention rather than 'one-size-fits-all' approach.