“…Notably, the plausibility for the dynamic, transactional nature of the associations between parenting self-efficacy and related constructs (e.g., parenting competence and stress, parenting practices or behaviors, parents’ psychosocial functioning) and children’s emotional and behavioral outcomes, especially self-regulation and temperamental characteristics, has been extensively discussed elsewhere (for comprehensive reviews, see Crnic & Ross, 2017; Jones & Prinz, 2005; Kiff et al, 2011; Samdan et al, 2020; Schuengel & Oosterman, 2019; Yan et al, 2021; for theoretical perspectives, see Ardelt & Eccles, 2001; Bandura, 1986, 1997; Bell, 1979; Belsky, 1984; Bugental, 2009; Calkins et al, 2016; Lerner, 2006; Papoušek & von Hofacker, 1995; Patterson, 1982; Sameroff, 2010; Wachs & Kohnstamm, 2001). Furthermore, studies with evidence supporting the association for various pairs of these components as reciprocal, bidirectional, or transactional over time also have been accumulating, such as (a) parenting efficacy and parenting practices or behaviors (e.g., Fung et al, 2021; Glatz & Buchanan, 2015b; Glatz & Koning, 2016; Kanacri et al, 2021; Slagt et al, 2012); (b) emotion-related parenting practices or behaviors and child emotional and behavioral development (e.g., self-regulation and temperament, Baron & Malmberg, 2019; Feng et al, 2017; Hajal et al, 2015; Perry et al, 2014, 2018); (c) parenting stress and child development problems (e.g., Cherry et al, 2019; Deater-Deckard, 2004; Neece et al, 2012); (d) parenting self-efficacy and parental psychosocial functioning (e.g., affective symptoms, Kunseler et al, 2014; van Eldik et al, 2017); (e) parental psychosocial functioning and child development problems (e.g., Bagner et al, 2013; Baker et al, 2020; Gross et al, 2009); (f) parenting self-efficacy and parental physiological reactivity to child-related stressors (e.g., Buchanan et al, 2022); (g) parenting stress and parenting self-efficacy (see Crnic & Ross, 2017) that: as well as (h) parental responsiveness to child challenging behaviors and parental self-regulation processes while parenting (Zhang et al, 2022).…”