First and foremost, I thank God for giving me the strength to persevere and finish this marathon of a six-year endeavor. God makes all things possible and provided me with the support of my husband and children who unselfishly motivated me to achieve my goal. Along the way, my desire to continue sometimes wavered and I constantly looked to them for support, empathy, and ultimately, the strong push I needed to remain committed and keep my eyes focused on the prize. They were ALWAYS there for me and for that I am exceedingly grateful and blessed. My family loves me unconditionally, constantly tells me they are proud of me and I dedicate this work to them. I undertook this journey to grow as an educator and a researcher, but more importantly to be a part of the changes needed to take place in education in the future for my own children and all the children who attend public schools in the United States. Jerry, Jordan, Ryan, Devin and Michaela...I love you with all my heart.