SUMMARYObject: This study was conducted to evaluate child psychiatry consultations of patients which were stayed in different clinics in a university hospital. Methods: The records of the patients who were consulted in between 01.07.2016 and 31.12.2016 and was made diagnosis according to DSM5 was scanned restrospectively. The sociodemographic information of the patients, the diagnosis of physical illness, the clinic requested for consultation, the reason for the consultation, the psychiatric diagnoses determined in the consultation result and the psychiatric treatment process were analyzed by using the SPSS 15.0 program. Results: Psychiatric consultation was requested for 55 inpatient children within a sixmonth period. %63,6 of consulted cases was a girl, %36,4 of them was a boy and the average age was found as 13,2 ± 3,6. When the consultations were evaluated, it was determined that the 23,6% of the patients were consulted for suicide attempt and 83,6% of them had at least one mental disorder. The most common diagnosis was major depression in the rate of 36,4% and psychotropic treatment was recommended to 38,2% of evaluated cases because of the psychiatric disorder. Discussion: In our study, it was found that the consultation rates were low despite the rate of psychopathology (83,4%) was rather high in consulated children and adolescents. This suggests that the doctors who are working in non-psychiatric areas are having difficulty understanding and evaluating the psychiatric symptoms in children and that the cooperation among physicians should be increased so that psychiatric illnesses can be better recognized.Key Words: Consultation, Chronic Illness, ChildAdolescents ÖZET Amaç: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Týp Fakütesi'nde farklý kliniklerde yatarak tedavi gören hastalardan istenen çocuk psikiyatrisi konsültasyonlarýnýn deðerlendirilmesi amaçlanmýþtýr. Yöntem: 01.07.2016-31.12.2016 tarihleri arasýnda konsültasyon istenen ve tanýlarý DSM-5'e göre konulmuþ olan hastalarýn kayýtlarý geriye dönük olarak taranmýþtýr. Hastalarýn sosyodemografik bilgileri, bedensel hastalýk tanýlarý, konsültasyonun istendiði bölüm, konsültasyonun istenme nedeni, konsültasyon sonucunda saptanan psikiyatrik tanýlarý ve psikiyatrik tedavi sürecine iliþkin veriler incelenmiþ ve SPSS 15.0 programý kullanýlarak analiz edilmiþtir. Bulgular: Altý aylýk süre içinde yatarak tedavi gören 55 çocuk için çocuk psikiyatrisi konsültasyonu istenmiþtir. Konsültasyon istenen olgularýn %63,6'sý kýz, %36,4'ü erkek ve yaþ ortalamasý 13,2 ± 3,6 olarak bulunmuþtur. Konsültasyonlar deðerlendirildiðinde en sýk %23,6 ile intihar giriþimi nedeniyle konsültasyon istendiði ve %83,6 'sýnýn en az bir ruhsal bozukluk tanýsý aldýðý saptanmýþtýr. En çok konulan taný %36,4 ile major depresyon olmuþtur ve deðerlendirilen olgularýn %38,2'sine ruhsal bozukluk nedeniyle psikotrop tedavi önerilmiþtir. Sonuç: Çalýþ-mamýzda, konsültasyon istenen çocuk ve ergenlerde psikopatoloji oraný oldukça yüksek (%83,4) saptanmasý-na raðmen konsültasyon istenme oranlarý düþük bulunmuþtur. Bu ...