In memory of my beloved mother Victoria Monteiro Del Cima The massless QED3 is ultraviolet and infrared perturbatively finite, parity and infrared anomaly free to all orders in perturbation theory.PACS numbers: 11.10.Gh 11.15.-q 11.15.Bt 11.15.ExThe perturbative finiteness is one of the most peculiar properties of topological field theories in three space-time dimensions [1]. Thanks to a by-product of superrenormalizability and the presence of topological terms, YangMills-Chern-Simons and BF-Yang-Mills theories are also finite at all orders in perturbation theory -in the sense of vanishing β-function [2]. In spite of not being a topological field theory, the massless QED 3 is also perturbatively finite, exhibiting quite interesting and subtle properties as superrenormalizability, parity invariance and the presence of infrared divergences. The issue of "how superrenormalizable interactions cure their infrared divergences" has been analyzed in [3], and a possible parity breaking at the quantum level, in the literature called parity anomaly, has been discarded [4][5][6].The algebraic proof we are presenting in this letter on the ultraviolet and infrared finiteness, and absence of parity and infrared anomaly, in the massless QED 3 , is based on general theorems of perturbative quantum field theory [7][8][9][10], where the Lowenstein-Zimmermann subtraction scheme is adopted. Here we summarize the main results skipping the intermediate steps of the LowensteinZimmermann subtraction scheme in the framework of BPHZL renormalization method [10]. Such subtraction scheme has to be introduced, thanks to the presence of massless (gauge and fermion) fields, in order to subtract infrared divergences that should arise in the process of the ultraviolet subtractions.