Some general features of the scattering of boson-based anyons with an added non-statistical interaction are discussed. Periodicity requirements of the phase shifts are derived, and used to illustrate the danger inherent in separating these phase shifts into the well-known pure Aharanov-Bohm phase shifts, and an additional set which arise due to the interaction. It is proven that the added phase shifts, although due to the non-statistical interaction, necessarily change as the statistical parameter is varied, keeping the interaction xed. A hard-disk interaction provides a concrete illustration of these general ideas.In the latter part of the paper, scattering with an additional hard-disk interaction is studied in detail, with an eye t o w ards providing a criterion for the validity of the mean-eld approximation for anyons, which is the rst step in virtually any treatment of this system. We nd, consistent with previous work, that the approximation is justied if the statistical interaction is weak, and that it must be more weak for boson-based than for fermion-based anyons.