PostprintThis is the accepted version of a paper published in Journal of Pain Symptom and Management. This paper has been peer-reviewed but does not include the final publisher proof-corrections or journal pagination.
Citation for the original published paper (version of record):Nilsson, M., Bladh, S., Hagell, P. [Year unknown!] Fatigue in Parkinson' s disease: measurement properties of a generic and a condition-specific scale. Methods: Postal survey data (n=150; 47% women; mean age, 70) were Rasch analyzed.
Journal of Pain Symptom and ManagementPFS-16 scores were tested according both to the original polytomous and the suggested alternative dichotomized scoring methods.
Results:The PFS-16 showed overall Rasch model fit whereas the FACIT-F showed signs of misfit, which probably was due to a sleepiness-related item and mixing of positively/negatively worded items. There was no differential item functioning by disease duration but by fatigue status (greater likelihood of needing to sleep or rest during the day among people classified as non-fatigued) in the PFS-16 and FACIT-F. However, this did not impact total score based estimated person measures. Targeting and reliability (≥0.86) was good, but the dichotomized PFS-16 showed compromised measurement precision.Polytomous and dichotomized PFS-16 and FACIT-F scores identified 6, 3 and 4 statistically distinct sample strata, respectively.
Conclusion:We found general support for the measurement properties of both scales.However, polytomous PFS-16 scores exhibited advantages compared to dichotomous PFS-16and FACIT-F scores. Dichotomization of item responses compromises measurement precision and ability to separate people, and should be avoided.3