SUMMARY The H reflex was studied in 13 patients with Parkinson's disease, and the results compared with those obtained in 22 control subjects. Pairs of identical stimuli near threshold intensity were delivered and the unresponsive period and time course of recovery of the amplitude of the H reflex were determined. The duration of the unresponsive period was significantly shorter in the patients with Parkinson's disease. In 10 patients the studies were repeated after treatment with L-dopa for six months. There was a significant increase in the period of unresponsiveness of the H reflex after treatment. The findings suggest that there is an increase in alpha motoneurone excitability in Parkinson's disease, and that it is reduced by treatment with L-dopa.The pathophysiology of Parkinsonian rigidity is uncertain. Although some evidence suggests that it results from increased fusimotor activity (Rushworth, 1960), a number of workers have concluded that there is hyperactivity of the alpha motoneurones (Ioku, Ribera, Cooper, and Matsouka, 1965;Olsen and Diamantopoulos, 1967;Takamori, 1967;Yap, 1967; DennyBrown, 1968). The aim of the present investigation was to investigate the effect of L-dopa on alpha motoneurone excitability in a group of patients with Parkinsonian rigidity by means of H reflex studies.
METHODSThirteen subjects with Parkinson's disease, whose ages ranged from 57 to 65 years, were studied. Of these 10 received treatment with L-dopa, and studies were performed before and at six months after commencement of treatment. In all cases, rigidity and akinesia were the prominent clinical features.Twenty-two control subjects, whose ages ranged from 16 to 73 years, were studied previously and the results reported (McLeod, 1969).H REFLEX STUDIES The technique and apparatus employed were identical with those previously described (McLeod, 1969 A conditioning shock of intensity less than 1-1 times threshold for the H reflex was followed at intervals ranging from 2 msec to 1 sec by an identical test stimulus. Ten seconds were allowed to elapse between each pair of stimuli. The ratio of the peakto-peak amplitude of the H wave after the test volley to that of the H wave after the conditioning volley was calculated at each interval of time and a recovery curve plotted.
RECOVERY OF H REFLEX BEFORE TREATMENT WITHL-DOPA Recovery of the H reflex after a near threshold conditioning volley was plotted in 13 patients with Parkinsonian rigidity. The mean curve is shown in Fig. 1