Aeroacoustic measurements of the 11 % scale full-span AMELIA CESTOL model with leading-and trailing-edge slot blowing circulation control (CCW) wing were obtained during a recent test in the Arnold Engineering Development Centel' 40-by SO-Ft. Wind Tunnel at NASA Ames Research Center, Sound levels and spectra were acquired with seven in-flow microphones and a 4S-element phased microphone array for a variety of vehicle configurations, CCW slot flow rates, and forward speeds, COITections to the meaSUI'emel1ts and processin g al'e in progress, however the data from selected configurations presented in this report conlil'm good measurement quality al1d dynamic range over the test conditions, Array beamform maps at 40 kts tunnel speed show that the trailing edge flap so urce is dominant for most frequencies at flap angles of O· and 60°, The overall sound level for the 60° flap was similar to tbe 0° flap for most slot blowing rates forward of 90° incidence, but was louder by up to 6 dB fOI' downstream angles, At 100 kts, the in-flow microphone levels were louder than the sensor self-noise fOI' the highel' blowing rates, while passive and active background noise suppression methods for the microphone array revealed source levels as much as 20 dB lowel' than observed with the in-flow microphones,
NomenclatureLift coeffic ient, L / (q*S) CCW slow momentum coefficient, (m*V j ) / (q*S) Circul ati on contro l wing Cross-spectra l matrix Lift, Ib r Slot mass fl ow rate, Ibm / s Overa ll sound pressure level, dB re 20,6 Pa Freestream dynamic pressure, Ib r / ft2 Radi a l di stance fi'o m model aco ustic center to sensor, inches Wing planfo rm reference area, ft 2 CCW s lot j et veloc ity, ft / s E mi ssion ang le relati ve to model aco ustic center, 0 = 0° for upstream emission