This paper addresses the design of an integrated tool management system for¯exible machining facilities (FMFs). Modules with functions ranging from issuing tools according to a tooling strategy to diagnosing system operation have been developed and integrated around a centralized manufacturing database to guarantee streamlined manufacture. A review of the state-ofthe-art tools to model an automated tool management system (TMS) within¯exible machining facilities is presented ® rst, in order to establish the merits of diVerent design approaches. The approaches used in modelling, the structures and the functions of the modules are presented. Finally, a walkthrough example utilizing the design facility presented is given with an illustration of typical results.
NOTATIONc transporter journey index from 1 to C journeys DCA dynamic cluster analysis EDD earliest due date i tool index from 1 to T tool types j job index from 1 to J jobs KBOA knowledge-based output analysis LPT longest processing time L i cutting time for tool i (min) m machine index from 1 to M machines MT throughput time MU m machine utilization P index set of pallets, pˆ1; . . . ; P o operation index from 1 to O RBTMSS rule-based tool management strategy selection S set-up time SIM 1;2 similarity between two cluster sets SPT shortest processing time ST i spent tools TI m minimum tool inventory TI s predicted tool inventory TMS tool management system TR tool requirements for a batch TR m minimum tool requirements TRP tool requirement planning TT tool traYc (tool movement) TTR total tool requirements TU transportation utilization T m available time for machine m, m 2 M X ojpmˆ1 if operation o of job j of pallet p is assigned machine m 0 otherwise Z ojpˆ1 if operation o of job j of pallet p is assigned 0 otherwise 1 INTRODUCTION