Discontinuity of mandible limits the balance of the lower face and leads to decreased mandibular function by deviation of residual segment toward surgical site. Delay in the initiation of mandibular guidance therapy may be due to varied reasons like postsurgical morbidities, tight wound closure, radiation therapy, flap necrosis, and others, which may result in an inability to achieve normal maxillomandibular relationships. When such deviated mandible is opposed to maxillary complete denture, then the rehabilitation would be of greater challenge. This clinical report presents rehabilitation of hemimandibulectomy defect with twin occlusion in maxillary overdenture with access posts and O-ring attachments.
How to cite this article
Kumar KVA, Legha VS, Saini DK. Wadhwa VN, Sarkar A, Chahar PK. Twin Occlusion in Maxillary Overdenture with Access Posts and O-ring Attachments in the Rehabilitation of Hemimandibulectomy Patient. Int J Experiment Dent Sci 2017;6(2):105-107.