Partial disorder -the microscopic coexistence of long-range magnetic order and disorder-is a rare phenomenon, that has been experimental and theoretically reported in some Ising-or easy planespin systems, driven by entropic effects at finite temperatures. Here, we present an analytical and numerical analysis of the S = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the √ 3 × √ 3-distorted triangular lattice, which shows that its quantum ground state has partial disorder in the weakly frustrated regime. This state has a 180 • Néel ordered honeycomb subsystem, coexisting with disordered spins at the hexagon center sites. These central spins are ferromagnetically aligned at short distances, as a consequence of a Casimir-like effect originated by the zero-point quantum fluctuations of the honeycomb lattice.Introduction-Zero-point quantum fluctuations in condensed systems are responsible for a wide variety of interesting phenomena, ranging from the existence of liquid helium near zero temperature to magnetically disordered Mott insulators 1,2 . It is in the quantum magnetism arena, precisely, where a plethora of control factors are available for tuning the amount of quantum fluctuations. Among these factors, space dimensionality, lattice coordination number, spin value S, and frustrating exchange interactions are the most relevant 3,4 .While folk wisdom visualizes zero-point quantum fluctuations like a uniform foam resulting from an almost random sum of states, in some cases these fluctuations contribute to the existence of very unique phenomena. These phenomena include semiclassical orders 3 , order by disorder 5 , effective dimensionality reduction 6,7 , and topological orders associated with quantum spin liquid states 1 , among others. Another role for quantum fluctuations is to allow the emergence of complex degrees of freedom from the original spins, like weakly coupled clusters or active spin sublattices decoupled from orphan spins. The latter has been proposed to explain the spin liquid behavior of the LiZn 2 Mo 3 O 8 8 . Here the system is described by a triangular spin-1 2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet which is deformed into an emergent honeycomb lattice weakly coupled to the central spins.Besides spin liquids, the presence of weakly coupled magnetic subsystems can lead to partial disorder, that is, the microscopic coexistence of long-range magnetic order and disorder. This rare phenomenon has been experimental and theoretically reported in different localized or itinerant Ising-or XY-spin highly frustrated systems 9-25 and it is driven by entropic effects at finite temperature. In general, it is believed that some amount of spin anisotropy is needed to get partial disorder, and that the disordered subsystem behaves as a perfect paramagnet, with its decoupled spins justifying then the calificative of orphan spins.In this work, we present an isotropic frustrated magnetic system whose ground state exhibits partial disorder, originated by zero-point quantum effects, in contrast to the entropic origin of the so-far known cases. ...