The dark reactions of Secale cereale L. cv. Balbo phytochrome have been investigated in coleoptile tips and in extensively purified extracts of large molecular weight phytochrome. Destruction, but not reversion, was detected in vivo.The effects of various inhibitors of an in vitro phytochromedegrading protease did not support a view of proteolytic attack as the basis of in vivo destruction. In vitro, rye phytochrome (about 240,000 molecular weight) reverted extremely rapidly, even at 5 C. The reversion curves were resolved into two first order components. The previously studied 60,000 nmolecular weight species, obtained by controlled proteolysis of large rye phytochrome, showed a similar two-component pattern, but a much slower over-all reversion rate. This reduction in rate was caused mainly by the reversion of a greater percentage of the small phytochrome as the slow component. Sodium dithionite markedly accelerated the reversion rate of both large and small forms, but oxidants, at concentrations low enough to avoid chromophore destruction, had no effect. Both large and small crude Avena sativa L. phytochrome showed two-component reversion kinetics.Though the destruction and reversion reactions of phytochrome have long been known in vivo (7,17), their precise role in the physiological action of the pigment system has not been established. Reversion had been assigned a major role in photoperiodic timing (3, 16), but more recent work has questioned this view (12). Many of the "paradoxes" of phytochrome physiology involve these reactions (17). For example, though reversion can easily be detected in partially purified phytochrome from various grasses (8,10,27), no in vivo reversion of coleoptile tip phytochrome has ever been seen (6, 14. 31). Phytochrome from many dicots shows reversion and destruction in vivo (17, 18), though there are at lease two plants, Amnaranthus (19) and pumpkin (2), which show only Pfr destruction. Partially purified extracts often show mainly reversion (10, 27), especially at temperatures near 0 C, though there is a recent report of in vitro destruction (24).Work reported elsewhere (29,30) rye phytochrome was also degraded by the protease, yet the phytochrome alone was quite unstable to incubation at 25 C, so evidently other factors are involved in loss of photoreversibility in vitro. With a knowledge of the properties of the protease (29, 30), experiments reported here were undertaken for assessment of the involvement of the enzyme in in vivo destruction by the use of suitable inhibitors and activators.Recent work in our laboratory (15) has shown that the previously studied 60,000 mol wt phytochrome unit (27, 33) is a stable fragment produced by limited proteolysis. Indeed, a much larger molecule has now been isolated and studied. We feel that this material (about 9 S) is probably native phytochrome. Its absorption spectrum is identical (in the region above 500 nm) to that of the fragment.The previous work on in vitro reversion of highly purified grass phytochrome can be summa...