The Streptomyces coelicolor fab (fatty acid biosynthesis) gene cluster (fabD-fabH-acpP-fabF) is cotranscribed to produce a leaderless mRNA transcript. One of these genes, fabH, encodes a ketoacyl synthase III that is essential to and is proposed to be responsible for initiation of fatty acid biosynthesis in S. coelicolor.Streptomyces spp. synthesize the majority of their fatty acids from branched starters such as isobutyryl, isovaleryl, and anteisovaleryl units to give odd-and even-numbered fatty acids with a methyl branch at the -terminus (80 to 90% of total fatty acid content); the remainder are synthesized from straight starters such as acetyl and butyryl units (11,21). The fatty acid synthase (FAS) of Streptomyces spp. is, like that found in many other bacteria (including the best-studied example, that of Escherichia coli), a type II or dissociable system (13, 18). The type II FAS consists of several discrete proteins that form loose associations to synthesize the fatty acid. The assembly of fatty acids is initiated by the condensation of an acyl coenzyme A (acyl-CoA) starter unit and a malonyl-acyl carrier protein (malonyl-ACP) extender unit; this condensation is catalyzed by -ketoacyl ACP synthase III (FabH), the product of the fabH gene. In vitro biochemical studies suggest that FabH determines the choice of starter unit to be used. E. coli FabH is specific for an acetyl-CoA starter unit, whereas Bacillus subtilis and Streptomyces glaucescens FabHs can accept a broader range of substrates, including branched-and straight-chain units (2,8). In the case of the S. glaucescens FabH, the order of reactivity towards the different starters is isobutyryl-CoA Ͼ butyryl-CoA Ͼ acetyl-CoA. If FabH were solely responsible for the initiation of fatty acid biosynthesis in Streptomyces species, then one could hypothesize that its biochemical activity, together with the relative pool sizes of the different starter units in vivo, would account for the mix of branched and straight fatty acids (8). But when S. glaucescens was grown in the presence of high concentrations (480 M) of the FAS inhibitor thiolactomycin, branched-chain fatty acid biosynthesis was inhibited and the proportion of straight-chain fatty acids increased (50% inhibitory concentration [IC 50 ] for purified S. glaucescens FabH 20 M) (8). This result may be interpreted as evidence for a second; FabH-independent mechanism for fatty acid initiation in Streptomyces spp. Based on this second hypothesis, fabH should be dispensable to Streptomyces spp. In this study we provide further biochemical evidence for the role of a small cluster of presumed fab genes (which includes fabH) in Streptomyces coelicolor and a transcriptional analysis of the fab cluster, and we have attempted to disrupt fabH to determine if it is essential for the viability of the cells.The acpP gene product stimulates long-chain fatty acid biosynthesis in vitro. The S. coelicolor FAS is still relatively poorly understood; a cluster of four fab-like genes has been identified on the S. coelicol...