The use of solvent-free, high-speed vibration milling conditions has allowed the development of ao ne-pot telescoped process for the synthesis of pyrroles starting from ketones, primary amines, and b-dicarbonyl compounds and comprising an initial a-iodination followed by an in situ three-component Hantzsch-type reaction. This methodw as compared with as olution-based protocol from a-iodoketones, primary amines,a nd b-dicarbonyl compounds. Although both protocols were far more general than previous Hantzsch-type pyrrole syntheses, the mechanochemical methodw as superior in that it afforded considerably higher yields in spite of comprising an additional step. The stereochemicali ntegrity of the pyrroles obtained from chiral aaminoesters wasm aintained. This solvent-free method was also used for the efficient preparationo fter-a nd quater-aryl/ heteroaryl frameworks containing two pyrrole units and avariety of fused pyrrole systems, including benzo[g]indoles, indeno[1,2-b]pyrroles, indoles,and homoindoles.