We consider approximation algorithms for covering integer programs of the form min c, x over x ∈ Z n ≥0 s.t. Ax ≥ b and x ≤ d; where A ∈ R m×n ≥0 , b ∈ R m ≥0 , and c, d ∈ R n ≥0 all have nonnegative entries. We refer to this problem as CIP, and the special case without the multiplicity constraints x ≤ d as CIP ∞ . These problems generalize the well-studied Set Cover problem. We make two algorithmic contributions. First, we show that a simple algorithm based on randomized rounding with alteration improves or matches the best known approximation algorithms for CIP and CIP ∞ in a wide range of parameter settings, and these bounds are essentially optimal. As a byproduct of the simplicity of the alteration algorithm and analysis, we can derandomize the algorithm without any loss in the approximation guarantee or efficiency. Previous work by Chen, Harris and Srinivasan [12] which obtained near-tight bounds is based on a resampling-based randomized algorithm whose analysis is complex.Non-trivial approximation algorithms for CIP are based on solving the natural LP relaxation strengthened with knapsack cover (KC) inequalities [5,25,12]. Our second contribution is a fast (essentially near-linear time) approximation scheme for solving the strengthened LP with a factor of n speed up over the previous best running time [5]. To achieve this fast algorithm we combine recent work on accelerating the multiplicative weight update framework with a partially dynamic approach to the knapsack covering problem.Together, our contributions lead to near-optimal (deterministic) approximation bounds with near-linear running times for CIP and CIP ∞ . * This work is partially supported by NSF grant CCF-1526799. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801. {chekuri,quanrud2}@illinois.edu. 1 ratio can be as large as m [17] 4 . The question of obtaining an improved approximation ratio that did not depend on C was raised in [17]. For CIP ∞ , when there are no multiplicity constraints, Raghavan and Thompson, in their influential work on randomized rounding, used the LP relaxation of (CIP) (which we refer to as Basic-LP) to obtain an O(log m) approximation [32]. Subsequent work has refined and improved this bound, and later we will describe recent approximation bounds by Chen et al. [12] that are much tighter w/r/t the sparsity of a given instance.
Stronger LP Relaxation:In the presence of multiplicity constraints, Basic-LP has an unbounded integrality gap even when m = 1, which corresponds to the Knapsack Cover problem. The input to this problem consists of n items with item i having cost c i and size a i , and the goal is to find a minimum cost subset of the items whose total size is at least a given quantity b. To illustrate the integrality gap of the LP relaxation consider the following simple example from [5].It is easy to see that the optimum integer solution has value 1 while the LP relaxation has value 1/B, leading to an integrality gap of B. The example shows that the integrality gap is large even when d = 1, a natural and importa...