DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/ac3b97
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Partial synchronization patterns in brain networks

Abstract: Partial synchronization patterns play an important role in the functioning of neuronal networks, both in pathological and in healthy states. They include chimera states, which consist of spatially coexisting domains of coherent (synchronized) and incoherent (desynchronized) dynamics, and other complex patterns. In this perspective article we show that partial synchronization scenarios are governed by a delicate interplay of local dynamics and network topology. Our focus is in particular on applications of brai… Show more

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Cited by 32 publications
(22 citation statements)
References 56 publications
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“…Often, only a part of the brain is synchronized. This phenomenon of so-called partial synchronization Schöll (2021) has recently become a reference point for the explanation of unihemispheric sleep (Rattenborg et al, 2000(Rattenborg et al, , 2016Mascetti, 2016;Ramlow et al, 2019) and the first-night effect (Tamaki et al, 2016), which describes troubled sleep in a novel environment. Furthermore, synchronized dynamics plays an integral role in the dynamics of epileptic seizures (Gerster et al, 2020), where the synchronization of a part of the brain causes dangerous consequences for the persons concerned.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Often, only a part of the brain is synchronized. This phenomenon of so-called partial synchronization Schöll (2021) has recently become a reference point for the explanation of unihemispheric sleep (Rattenborg et al, 2000(Rattenborg et al, , 2016Mascetti, 2016;Ramlow et al, 2019) and the first-night effect (Tamaki et al, 2016), which describes troubled sleep in a novel environment. Furthermore, synchronized dynamics plays an integral role in the dynamics of epileptic seizures (Gerster et al, 2020), where the synchronization of a part of the brain causes dangerous consequences for the persons concerned.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…4. emergence of complex dynamics [61][62][63][64][65][66][67]. Motivated by the results presented in the previous subsection for the case α = 0, we choose an interlayer coupling strength σ for which sepsis may occur.…”
Section: The Interlayer Phase Lag As a Critical Parameter For Modelin...mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The weighted adjacency matrix A = {A kj } of size 90 × 90, with node indices k, j ∈ N = {1, 2, ..., 90} was obtained from averaged diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging data measured in 20 healthy human subjects. For details of the measurement procedure including acquisition parameters, see (Melicher et al, 2015), for previous utilization of the structural networks to analyze chimera states see (Chouzouris et al, 2018;Ramlow et al, 2019;Gerster et al, 2020;Schöll, 2021). The data were analyzed using probabilistic tractography as implemented in the FMRIB Software Library, where FMRIB stands for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/).…”
Section: Neuronal Network Modelmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In the brain, a high degree of synchronization is related to (slow-wave) sleep (Steriade et al, 1993;Rattenborg et al, 2000) or transitions from wakefulness to sleep (Schwartz and Roth, 2008;Moroni et al, 2012). Recently, partial synchronization Schöll (2021) has become a reference point for the explanation of the first-night effect (Tamaki et al, 2016) and unihemispheric sleep (Rattenborg et al, 2000(Rattenborg et al, , 2016Mascetti, 2016;Ramlow et al, 2019). Furthermore, synchronized dynamics plays an integral role in introduce some methods to characterize the neuronal output.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%