PurposeTo introduce cases of the use, as patch grafts, of stromal lenticules obtained by small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) surgery.ObservationsCase 1 was a 79-year-old man who presented with Ahmed-valve-tube exposure in his left eye. His uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) was 20/40, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) 20/32, and intraocular pressure (IOP) 11 mmHg. He was treated with stromal lenticule patch that had been extracted by SMILE surgery. The patch was positioned underneath of the conjunctiva and sutured to it. At postoperative 8 months, the graft site was well maintained without Ahmed valve-tube exposure, the UCVA was 20/32, BCVA 20/20, and IOP 12 mmHg.Case 2 was a 60-year-old man who presented with Ahmed-valve-tube exposure in his right eye. His UCVA was finger-count (FC) 30 cm, his BCVA 20/125, and his IOP 14 mmHg. He was treated with stromal lenticule patch by the same method as employed in case 1. At postoperative 10 days, tube re-exposure and displacement of the Ahmed valve external plate toward the limbus area occurred due to loosening of the anchoring suture. So, we removed the Ahmed valve device, which had been implanted in the supero-temporal area, and performed new Ahmed valve implantation, with a stromal lenticule flap instead of a partial scleral flap, in the supero-nasal area. As of 6 months post-reoperation, the patient was stable, with UCVA 20/200, BCVA 20/40 and IOP 13 mmHg.Case 3 was a 74-year-old man who presented with bullous keratopathy in his right eye, which was blind. Due to severe adhesions, his conjunctiva could not cover the entire cornea. Therefore, we performed a stromal lenticule patch graft with conjunctival advance flap. At postoperative 3 months, the patient's right eye was stable, without displacement or melting of the lenticule graft.Conclusions & importanceIt is suggested that the stromal lenticule, with its biocompatibility, sufficient strength, ease of handling and low cost, is a useful patch graft for various therapeutic purposes in the ophthalmic field.