We have used modern supercomputer facilities to carry out extensive Monte Carlo simulations of 2D hopping at ultimately random distribution of localized sites in both space and energy, for negligible Coulomb interaction. The emphasis was made on the power spectrum S I (ω) and low-frequency intensity of current noise, but average dc current I, as well as r.m.s. hop lengths (both bare, r , and current-weighted r I ) were calculated as well. Keeping the same statistical parameters, all results were averaged over a large number of samples, each with a random distribution of localized sites over the sample area and energy axis.The average characteristics of hopping transport have been found to be different in three regimes, all of which are visible in Figure 1 showing the nonlinear conductivity σ as a function of the electric field E for several values of temperature T . tric field E for several values of temperature T . In order to obtain these data, dc current was averaged over 80 samples of size ranging from 6a×4a to 800a×500a. Straight line shows the best fit σ/σ 0 = 0.08 exp(−0.98(E 0 /E) 1/3 ), where σ 0 ≡ ge 2 / , g 1 is the dimensionless conductivity,and E 0 ≡ 1/ena 2 .In the low electric field regime, eE r T T 0 , the dc conductivity does not depend on E and is close to that predicted by the variable range hopping theory,, where T 0 ≈ 27/4πna 2 . In the so- * ykinkhab@grad.physics.sunysb.edu † Present address: University of California, Riverside, CA 92521-0204, U.S.A.called "high" (for us, intermediate) field regime, T eE r eE 0 r (where E 0 ≡ 1/ena 2 , a is the localization length and n the 2D density of localized states), the direction of most hops is strongly aligned with that of electric field, and nonlinear conductivity σ(E) follows the prediction, 2) σ(E) ∝ exp −B (E 0 /E) 1/3 , with B = 0.98 ± 0.05. Finally, in the "ultrahigh" field regime, (eE r 1/na 2 ) the variable-range hopping theory is not valid, and dc conductivity grows even faster with the applied field.The spectral density S I (ω) of current fluctuations has been calculated using a special advanced algorithm.
3)As expected, in the absence of Coulomb interaction the S I (ω) does not exhibit 1/f -type noise, flattening at ω → 0 (Fig.2). Thus the Fano factor F ≡ S I (0) /2eI characterizing low-frequency noise is well defined. Shot noise (i.e. current noise at low temperatures, T eE r ) always decreases with increasing sample length, L. confirming the behavior conjectured in Ref.4) Parameter