The goal of the study is to investigate the willingness of future teachers to apply innovative productive teaching methods in their direct work. Future teachers took part in the written survey (N0=141), students of other specialities and established professionals (N1=N2=28). Fisher's φ test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, biserial correlation coefficient, Kendall's τ correlation coefficient, Student's t-test (p ≤ 0.01) were used to statistically evaluate the results It is shown that future teachers from the proposed options choose mainly reproductive methods, and freely formulate informative methods. The most significant differences were revealed between the samples of future teachers and “adults” who do not have pedagogical training, which indicates the choice of methods not based on knowledge in the professional sphere, but on the basis of everyday ideas characteristic of this generation. It can be concluded that future teachers are really not ready to apply innovative productive methods in their practice, preferring more traditional informative and reproductive ones. This poses the task of finding ways to introduce into pedagogical practice those methods, theoretical reasoning about which is oversaturated in modern scientific and educational discourse.