The number of students and people with dyslexia and other learning differences has been steadily increasing in recent years. This has led to an accompanying need for additional support for people with dyslexia. Whilst acknowledging that support is vital for people with dyslexia, it is also important to identify the strengths that people with dyslexia have that help individuals flourish. For many years, dyslexia research has been more pre-occupied in exploring the problems faced by people with dyslexia. This study attempts to explore the strengths of people with dyslexia. This quantitative study looked at 89 people with dyslexia [N=89] from the UK and USA. Using the Values in Actions Character Strengths Inventory, participants were given the opportunity to explore their signature strengths. The survey was hosted on a specially designed Dyslexia friendly website. The length of the survey at 240 questions may have proved a deterrent for some respondents, many of who gave up half way through. From the results of those who completed the survey the main signature strengths for people with dyslexia are, Curiosity, Fairness, Kindness, Judgement, Honesty, Leadership and Humour. Comparisons were made between the sample of people with dyslexia and with wider general population surveys. Addressing the strengths of people with dyslexia is as important as looking at their problems and difficulties. The authors feel there is a need for a shorter measure of character strengths that could be used in future research.