The aim of this article is to map the field of Swedish mental health service user organisations (MHSUOs) with a focus on organisational characteristics, positions and relationships. This mapping enables us to discuss these organisations' repertoires of contention and their connections to governmental actors. Annual reports, organisational by-laws, and financial reports were collected for each of the 12 MHSUOs and the two network organisations that were included in the study. The empirical material was analysed according to the organisations' size, activities, target groups, relationships and main knowledge base. Developments towards professionalization and hybridisation are evident within the field, and repertoires of contention are focused on advocacy and educational activities, with organisations providing experiential knowledge as a service to external actors. We further discuss how close ties to governmental actors and a consensus-oriented approach is related to risks of failure in recognising the conflicts that social mobilisation presupposes. It is crucial to strengthen MHSUOs independence, financial and otherwise, in order for these organisations to remain responsive to demands from the collective of service users.