Glyceryl monostearate (GM), a mixture of glyceryl esters of fatty acids, is composed of glyceryl monostearate (65%), glyceryl monopalmitate (30%) and glyceryl monomyristate (5%). It has been widely used as an emulsifying agent in food preparations.Maruyama et al. carried out precise studies of the polymorphism of GM, 2,3) and reported that four crystal forms of GM exist. Rapid cooling of melted GM yields the a-form, which is successively transformed to the b-form via the bЈ-form under ambient conditions. Since the a-form is dispersible and foamy, it is often used as an emulsifying agent, foaming agent and preservative for bread, ice cream, cookies, etc.4) On the other hand, the b-form of GM having higher melting point, higher density, is poorer in foaming and wetting than the a-form.We have applied b-form of GM to the pediatric formulation of clarithromycin (CAM) and succeeded in masking the bitter taste. 5) Our formulation was comprised of a wax matrix agglomerated using a spray-congealing technique.6) In the manufacturing process, GM, one of the components of the wax matrix, is transformed from the b-form to the a-form and gradually transformed back to the b-form at ambient temperature. The bitterness of taste of the formulation diminishes due to increase in the ratio of the b-form of GM, which has poor wettability. The objective of this study was to find the optimum conditions for rapid formation of b-form of GM during the manufacturing process of the formulation. For this purpose, we focused on the transformation of a-form of GM to b-form under the congealing conditions.
ExperimentalMaterial Glyceryl monostearate of b-form (GM, Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd.) was of the grade specified in the Japanese Pharmaceutical Excipients Directory.
Preparation of Polymorphs of GMIn preparing the a-form of GM, GM melted at 120°C was dropped on the rotating wing of a stirring machine with an approximately 5 cm blade at 1500 rpm. Dripped GM was micronized, solidified, and recovered on the bed under room temperature.GM with various ratios of polymorphs a and b was prepared by mixing the a-form immediately after preparation and the commercially available GM (b-form) at the ratios of 25 : 75, 50 : 50 and 75 : 25.Method of Heat-Treatment About 2 mg of GM was placed in the differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) pan and stored for fixed times and temperatures.Measurement of Powder Characteristics Thermal analysis was carried out using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC-7, Perkin Elmer). About 2 mg of GM was heat-treated in the opened pan in the DSC and, after cooling the sample to 30°C at the rate of 10°C/min, the first run of thermal analysis was carried out at a heating rate of 10°C/min in the temperature range of 30°C to 90°C. After cooling, the second run of thermal analysis was carried out under the same conditions. Enthalpies of first and second thermal analyses were expressed by the enthalpy change, DH 1 and DH 2 , respectively.Powder XRD patterns were obtained using a Rigaku Geigerflex RAD powder X-ray diffractometer und...