We use idealized N-body simulations of equilibrium discs in live and static haloes to study how dark matter co-evolution impacts the assembly of stellar particles into a bar and the halo response. Initial conditions correspond to a marginally unstable disc according to commonly used disc stability criteria, and are evolved for the equivalent of about 150 disc dynamical times (10 Gyr). An extensive convergence study ensures accurate modelling of the bar formation process. Live haloes lead to the formation of a strong bar, but the same disc remains unbarred when evolved in a static halo. Neither seeded disc instabilities nor longer (60 Gyr) simulations result in the formation of a bar when the halo is static. When the live halo is replaced with a static analogue at later times, the previously robust bar slowly dissipates, suggesting that (1) the co-evolution of the disc and halo is critical for the assembly and long-term survival of bars in marginally unstable discs and (2) global disc stability criteria must be modified for discs in the presence of live haloes. In our live halo runs, a ‘dark bar’ grows synchronously with the stellar bar. Processes that inhibit the transfer of angular momentum between the halo and disc may stabilize a galaxy against bar formation, and can lead to the dissolution of the bar itself. This raises further questions about the puzzling stability of observed discs that are marginally unstable, but unbarred.