In X-ray fluorescence analysis the concept of radiometric diameter, d , is often introduced in considerations of the fluorescent intensity from a particulate sample. It represents the mean geometric path of the X-rays through one particle and is usually simply taken to be equal to the volume-to-area ratio of the particle. The effective radiometric path is, however, itself dependent on geometry and absorption effects. Rigorous calculations of the fluorescent intensity from a particle in the A and nf2 geometries were carried out to evaluate the errors involved. It appears that, for A geometry, the discrepancy between these exact results and the intensity calculated via the use of 2 does not exceed 5.2%. For the nf2 geometry, the errors are much larger and can amount to 50% in realistic cases of X-ray fluorescence analysis. These conclusions are also applicable to monolayers. The effective radiometric diameter approaches d only when absorption effects become negligible, but is smaller in other cases.