The objective of this paper is to compare the performances of different photovoltaic (PV) array configurations (series, parallel, series‐parallel, total‐cross‐tied, bridge‐linked, and honey comb) and proposed hybrid configurations (series parallel–total cross tied, bridge linked–total cross tied, honey comb–total cross tied, and bridge linked–honey comb) under artificial and realistic partial shading conditions. The performances of all these configurations have been compared on the basis of their maximum powers, fill factors, thermal voltages, and relative power losses. Different PV array configurations have also been compared on the basis of other significant factors (faults, limitations of specific parameters of the PV system, and cost). The single‐diode model of PV module is considered in this paper for modelling of PV module. The obtained results of different PV array configurations give beneficial knowledge regarding the performances of these configurations for several shading patterns and assist to choose the most satisfactory configuration for a particular shading pattern.